Terms & Conditions

Before making your reservation please read our terms and conditions carefully.  

Secure your booking

In order to make a reservation with CRETE JEEP SAFARI you must fill out a form with the information you will be asked for and prepay an amount or the entire payment before the tour. If you make your reservation by phone or email you will be deemed to have signed the statement on the booking form and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the list below.

  • You have read and accepted all the booking terms and information we give you on our website. 
  • None of the booking participants has or has ever suffered from medical conditions that prevent them from participating in the tour.
  • All bookers have an understanding of the dangers of adventure activities.
  • Pregnant women come at their own risk and have understood all the dangers that exist on our tours.
  • The booking on behalf of other persons guarantees that all the persons who will participate in the tour have been informed by him about all the terms and conditions that we mention. You consider the reservation valid and final when we send you a confirmation email or inform by phone or in person.
  • Parents with children and babies bring them at their own risk and having understood all of them and the dangers that exist on our tours and are responsible for them.


Participation in the excursion

To participate in our tour you must give your Voucher ticket to the driver who will pick you up from the point of the pickup. If you have booked online and you have it in electronic form then just show it to our driver.


You can secure your reservation by paying 30% of the total amount now and settling the remaining balance on the day of the excursion. Alternatively, you have the option to pay the full amount upfront.

In case of payment of 30% during the reservation, the rest payment of the amount must be made on the day of the planned tour otherwise the reservation is considered canceled by the customer.

The money paid by the customer will be kept by CRETE JEEP SAFARI until the customer receives a booking confirmation message.

This money is then held by CRETE JEEP SAFARI.

Cancelation from the customer

In case of cancellation by the customer, the following cancellation fees are charged:

  • Free Cancellation and Full Refund: Cancellations made up to 24 hours before the tour’s start time in the local timezone.
  • Free Reservation Changes: You can modify your reservation 24 hours or more before the tour’s start time in the local timezone, provided there are available slots for the new date you wish to select. Alternatively, we will offer you a new booking date. In the case of a different price, we will refund the difference or only charge the additional amount.
  • No Refund: Cancellations made within 24 hours of the tour’s start time in the local timezone.

Additionally, if the customer fails to appear at the designated pickup point, the reservation will be deemed invalid, and CRETE JEEP SAFARI will withhold the paid amount.

In case of change or cancellation of the tour by CRETE JEEP SAFARI

For security reasons and not only, there is a case of a change of itinerary or a delay in the program that we advertise in the brochure or in any other means or even cancellation of the trip for that day.

If our company knows this in advance the customer will be informed when booking or otherwise during the tour.

In case our company CRETE JEEP SAFARI cancels a tour for any reason, you have the opportunity to set a new date from the available ones that we will suggest or to get your money back.

The cancellation of the trip or the change of itinerary or a delay in the program can be done for safety reasons during a natural disaster, fire, dangerous weather and generally dangerous situations but also in cases of total or partial damage of our vehicle or the illness of a customer or driver that can affect the safe conduct an excursion and may endanger the safety of all. Our company is not responsible for any penalties related to airline tickets or other related costs that may arise.

Travel and Cancellation Insurance

The customer has the responsibility to have their own travel insurance that adequately covers any medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation, cancellation and curtailment, and any accidents and absolute with sufficient benefits.

CRETE JEEP SAFARI is not responsible for any loss of luggage, money or personal items during the tour. Each customer is responsible for their luggage and personal items.

 Liability insurance

Limited insurance held by the operator. By booking the customer understands the potential risks that exist in adventure activities and the activities that include our tours and participates in them with his own will and responsibility. The customer also acknowledges and accepts that there may not be a policy that covers the company’s liability to its customers for injury, death, damage or loss that occurs anywhere in the world.

The customer acknowledges that CRETE JEEP SAFARI has taken reasonable steps to ensure its liability. Although CRETE JEEP SAFARI has various insurances, this booking term states that the customer must assume that they are not covered by the CRETE JEEP SAFARI insurance policy, including liability insurance for death, injury, damage or any other loss.

During the tour

For the smooth and safe conduct of the tour, the customer accepts the authority and decisions of the employees, leaders, guides of the company CRETE JEEP SAFARI. For the safe conduct of the tour, the staff of our company can exclude the client from the tour and at any point of it without refund or compensation if he deems that the client’s behavior may adversely affect the conduct of the tour or if one of the clients commits an illegal act. Also our company ceases to be responsible for its return. If a customer is not feeling well they should inform our staff in a timely manner. There is no refund for services that haven’t been used.


During our tours and activities there is the possibility , our staff taking photos or videos . By using any of the tours and the activities of our company CRETE JEEP SAFARI you understand and you give the right and you authorize, their members and / or managers to use, your voice, your photographs, portraits and performances taken or recorded during the excursion and to reproduce, edit, distribute, utilize and publish them for advertising, promotion or likewise, in any media (printed media, advertising mediums, internet, video or other media) of any kind throughout the world and in perpetuity without notification, new consent or payment whatsoever.


  • I certify that I am over 18 and under 65 years old and able to drive the vehicle.
  • I don’t have/haven’t had any serious injury or health conditions
  • Neither I nor my passenger is pregnant or have any health issues
  • I am not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication
  • I will always follow the rules and the guide/leader without leaving the vehicle line and without drifting or zigzagging. I will not attempt overtaking or making any other dangerous maneuvers.
  • I declare that I will share the vehicle and its driving time fairly as directed by our leaders with other customers unless I have paid for all of its seats.
  • I will always wear protective clothing and equipment such as the safety seatbelt , closed walking shoes etc. Further, I will be sure that my passengers are also equipped in the same way.
  • I understand all the risks resulting in the use of vehicles, both as a driver and as a passenger.
  • I will be always ready to react, to break, or change my path in case of emergency and I will drive at a moderate speed taking into account the instructions of my leader,  the condition of the terrain, the visibility and my experience in the use of the vehicle
  • I will always be mindful to maintain a safe distance of at least 5-7 meters from the vehicle in front of me and will not leave the preexisting tracks.
  • I learned through the driving and safety instructions class and I was able to familiarize myself with the vehicle and driving it.
  • I am fully responsible for any fines incurred to me and any damage caused to my vehicle or any other vehicle due to my fault, and I will pay the corresponding amount for such damage.
  • I agree that if deemed unfit to drive before or during the tour, I’ll join/continue as a passenger under the guidance of the guides, prioritizing safety for all.

The customer must state his name and surname, the place of birth, the residence place and declare and attest his age is at least 23 years old and under 65 and he owns a valid driver’s license for more than 2 years, in physical form with the number of it. Provisional driving licenses are not accepted.

He has to read, understand and agree with the following as well.

  1. I understand all the risks and dangers resulting in the use of the vehicles, either as a driver or as a passenger and I agree and comply with the rules, the laws and the safety standards. 
  2. I will use the vehicle with responsibility and I will not drive or be a passenger under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any substances including medication that may limit my abilities to drive the vehicle.
  3. With my decision to be a driver or passenger of the vehicle, I fully and finally discharge the company CRETE JEEP SAFARI as to any damages I or my passenger may suffer during or after  the use of the vehicle the company provides, whatever the cause and without restriction to the manufacture, design and maintenance of the vehicle itself. I hereby give up any claims or accusations that may result to the company, the owner, the members and / or executives of CRETE JEEP SAFARI, in my own name of my heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns and other legal representatives.
  4. Parents with children and babies bring them at their own risk and have understood all the dangers that exist on our tours and are responsible for them.
  5. I declare that I have inspected the vehicle in question and have been adequately informed of its use, safety and I am satisfied with it. I further declare that I have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions and voluntarily signed this discharge of responsibility. This excursion will be interpreted and submitted to the Greek laws. We recognize the jurisdiction of the court of Heraklion – Crete.
  6. I declare that I will share the vehicle and its driving time fairly as directed by our leaders with other customers unless I have paid for all of its seats.
  7. I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for any traffic violations, parking fines, or other penalties incurred during the rental period. I agree to promptly pay any fines and provide the Owner with notification of such violations.
  8. I declare that I have been informed that the vehicle I drive is covered by an R/C insurance policy, which covers only possible damage caused to third parties. I remain solely responsible for the infringements or damages committed by my person. I am obliged to reimburse CRETE JEEP SAFARI for any expenses of this nature and have to finally pay it at the main office (Heraklion).
  9. I acknowledge the limited insurance held by the operator and understand the potential risks associated with adventure activities, including those on tours. I participate in these activities of my own free will and responsibility, recognizing that there may not be coverage for the company’s liability worldwide. Although CRETE JEEP SAFARI has taken reasonable steps to ensure its liability and maintains various insurances, I must assume that I am not covered by CRETE JEEP SAFARI’s insurance policy, including liability coverage for death, injury, damage, or any other loss.
  10. I authorize CRETE JEEP SAFARI, their members and / or managers to use my name, my voice, my photographs, portraits and performances taken or recorded during the excursion and to reproduce, edit, distribute, utilize and publish them for advertising, promotion or likewise, in any media (printed media, advertising mediums, internet, video or other media) of any kind throughout the world and in perpetuity without notification, new consent or payment whatsoever.
  11. CRETE JEEP SAFARI reserves the right to prohibit usage of the vehicle if the driver does not have the ability to maneuver it or behaves in a manner that does not comply with the correct rules.
  12. I understand and agree that if, at any point during or before the tour, the leaders/guides judges me to be unfit to participate as a driver due to reasons such as lack of driving skills, recklessness, or failure to comply with safety regulations, I will willingly accept their decision to continue or join the tour as a passenger under the guidance of the guides. I acknowledge that if this decision is made it will be in the interest of safety for myself and others participating in the tour.
  13. For the smooth and safe conduct of the tour, I accept the authority and decisions of the employees, leaders, and guides of CRETE JEEP SAFARI. I understand that for the safe conduct of the tour, the staff of the company may exclude me from the tour at any point without refund or compensation if they deem that my behavior may adversely affect the tour’s conduct or if I commit an illegal act. In such cases, the company ceases to be responsible for my return. Additionally, if I am not feeling well, I should inform the staff promptly. I acknowledge that there is no refund for services that haven’t been used.

I am over 23 years old and can drive the vehicle
I don’t have/haven’t had any serious injury or health conditions 
Neither I nor my passenger is pregnant or have any health issues
I am not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication
I will always follow the rules and the guide/leader without leaving the vehicle line and without drifting or zigzagging. I will not attempt overtaking or making any other dangerous maneuvers.
I declare that I will share the vehicle and its driving time fairly as directed by our leaders with other customers unless I have paid for all 5 of its seats.
I will always wear protective clothing and equipment such as the safety seatbelt , closed walking shoes etc. Further, I will be sure that my passengers are also equipped in the same way.
I understand all the risks resulting in the use of vehicles, both as a driver and as a passenger.
I will be always ready to react , to break, or change my path in case of emergency and I will drive at a moderate speed taking into account the condition of the terrain, the visibility and my experience in the use of the vehicle.
I will always be mindful to maintain a safe distance of at least 3 meters from the vehicle in front of me and will not leave the preexisting tracks.
I learnt through the driving and safety instructions class and I was able to familiarize myself with the vehicle and driving it.
  • The customer must state his name and surname, the place of birth, the residence place and declare and attest his age is at least 23 years old and he owns a valid car driver’s license for more than 2 years with the number of it.

He has to read, understand and agree with the following as well.

  1. I understand all the risks and dangers resulting in the use of the vehicles, either as a driver or as a passenger and I agree and comply with the rules, the laws and the safety standards. I will use the vehicle with responsibility and I will not drive or be a passenger under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any substances including medication that may limit my abilities to drive the vehicle.
  2. With my decision to be a driver or passenger of the vehicle, I fully and finally discharge the company CRETE JEEP SAFARI as to any damages I or my passenger may suffer during the use of the vehicle the company provides, whatever the cause and without restriction to the manufacture, design and maintenance of the vehicle itself. I hereby give up any claims or accusations that may result to the company, the owner, the members and / or executives of CRETE JEEP SAFARI, in my own name of my heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns and other legal representatives.
  3. Parents with children and babies bring them at their own risk and have understood all the dangers that exist on our tours and are responsible for them.
  4. I declare that I have inspected the vehicle in question and have been adequately informed of its use, safety and I am satisfied with it. I further declare that I have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions and voluntarily signed this discharge of responsibility. This excursion will be interpreted and submitted to the Greek laws. We recognize the jurisdiction of the court of Heraklion – Crete.
  5. I declare that I will share the vehicle and its driving time fairly as directed by our leaders with other customers unless I have paid for all 5 of its seats.
  6. I declare that I have been informed that the vehicle I drive is covered by an R/C insurance policy, which covers only possible damage caused to third parties. I remain solely responsible for the infringements committed by my person. I am obliged to reimburse CRETE JEEP SAFARI for any expenses of this nature and have to finally pay it at the main office (Heraklion).
  7. Limited insurance held by the operator. By booking the customer understands the potential risks that exist in adventure activities and the activities that include our tours and participates in them with his own will and responsibility. The customer also acknowledges and accepts that there may not be a policy that covers the company’s liability to its customers for injury, death, damage or loss that occurs anywhere in the world.
  8. The customer acknowledges that CRETE JEEP SAFARI has taken reasonable steps to ensure its liability. Although SCRETE JEEP SAFARI has various insurances, this booking term states that the customer must assume that they are not covered by the CRETE JEEP SAFARI insurance policy, including liability insurance for death, injury, damage or any other loss.
  9. I authorize CRETE JEEP SAFARI, their members and / or managers to use my name, my voice, my photographs, portraits and performances taken or recorded during the excursion and to reproduce, edit, distribute, utilize and publish them for advertising, promotion or likewise, in any media (printed media, advertising mediums, internet, video or other media) of any kind throughout the world and in perpetuity without notification, new consent or payment what so ever.
  10. CRETE JEEP SAFARI reserves the right to prohibit usage of the vehicle if the driver does not have the ability to maneuver it or behaves in a manner that does not comply with the correct rules. Detailed information on the terms and conditions can be found on our website www.cretejeepsafari.com
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